Tuesday, January 26, 2016

January 25 - 29, 2016

Monday, 1/25/16: Take quiz on Weather (no homework)

Tuesday, 1/26/16: Take assessment in Science (study Mid-West States, Capitals, Abbreviations and location on map)

Wednesday, 1/27/16: Finish assessment in Science (study Mid-West States, Capitals, Abbreviations and location on map)

Thursday, 1/28/16: Begin Unit on Ecosystems in class
1. Read Google Slides presentation about Ecosystems in Canvas. When you finish viewing the presentation, you need to write a small paragraph about what you learned.
2. Study Mid-West States, Capitals, Abbreviations and location on map.

Friday, 1/29/16: Quiz on Mid-West States, their capitals, abbreviations, and location on map for those students who wish to improve their grade.