Monday, April 23, 2018

Monday, April 30:
1. Read the slides on Force and Motion.
       Write the most important items as notes in your binder.
2. Use the EOG Study Guide (in your binder) to review for next Wednesday's Science EOG.

Tuesday, May 1:
1.  Read the slides on Energy.
           Write the most important items as notes in your binder.
     Read the slides on Matter.
           Write the most important items as notes in your binder.
2. Use the EOG Study Guide to review for next Wednesday's Science EOG.

Wednesday, May 2:
1.   Read the slides on Weather.
          Write the most important items as notes in your binder.
      Read the Water Cycle.
          Write the most important items as notes in your binder.
2. Use the EOG Study Guide to review for next Wednesday's Science EOG.

Thursday, May 3:
1. Read the slides on Ecosystems.
       Write the most important items as notes in your binder.
2. Use the EOG Study Guide to review for next Wednesday's Science EOG.

Friday, May 4:
1.  Read the slides on Human Body.
         Write the most important items as notes in your binder.
     Read the slides on Traits and Behaviors.
         Write the most important items as notes in your binder.
2. Use the EOG Study Guide to review for next Wednesday's Science EOG.

April 23 - 26 Homework

Family Trait Tree Project due Thursday, April 26th
Please refer to the handout in the homework folder for instructions on the project.
There needs to be information about the student, one parent, and one grandparent.
If the student will not see the grandparent this week, the student will need to make a phone call to the grandparent by Wednesday night.

Here is a link to the assignment, in case it cannot be found in the book bag.