Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Testing and Homework

Dear Third Grade Parents,
The BOG (Beginning of Grade) test was today, and the students were good test takers. As soon as we get the results back, we will give you that report.
We also are conducting Read to Achieve testing with every student individually. This is a long process. Third grade is tested quite a bit in the great state of North Carolina.
Due to all the testing, classwork and homework may have been bumped. For example, I usually give homework on Mondays and Tuesdays, but due to the BOG, students did not have math homework on Monday or Tuesday or this week. They will have homework and classwork from now on because most of the testing is over.

Students did have a little Language Arts homework on Monday and Tuesday, but due to the BOG the spelling test has been bumped to next week. We do not want to rush into a spelling test just to check it off our list of assessments. We want the students to have time to process and practice spelling words within the context of literature. We are aiming for quality instruction, but with the quantity of state driven assessments, third grade classrooms across the state feel as if we are off to a slow start.

We are here for the students, and we have their best interest at heart.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or any of the third grade teachers anytime.

Thank you for your support.