Go to this website to register for the PTO math night. I encourage all parents to attend. The class with the most parents earns $50 for the classroom.
We are starting a new Science unit on Energy.
Monday, 9/26/16:
1. Read and Watch "Heat" powerpoint.
In your Science binder, write 3 three things you learned by watching the powerpoint.
Use complete sentences.
2. Begin thinking about the Solar Oven Project due Oct 7th.
Tuesday, 9/27/16:
1. Draw three cartoon strips using the class demonstration of stuffed animal moving by convection, conduction, and radiation.
2. Solar Oven Project is due next Friday.
Wednesday, 9/28/16:
1. CCR Illustration and Situation WKST
2. Solar Oven Project is due next Friday.
Thursday, 9/29/16:
1. Pack a picnic lunch for all who are going on the field trip.
2. Saturday at the Pool WKST
3. Solar Oven Project is due next Friday.
Friday, 9/30/16:
Field trip to the Heritage Center in downtown Smithfield and then to Bentonville Battlegrounds.