Monday, September 21, 2015

Homework September 21-24

Please try to sell at least one Yankee Candle product (hopefully a lot more). This is usually a huge fundraiser for out PTO. Forms are due Wednesday. If every student sells at least one, our PTO can raise the money to buy more Chromebooks for elementary classes.

The documents for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are PDFs so students will not be able to write within the document. Students answer the questions inside the Social Studies folder Monday through Wednesday. You may need to cut and paste the link into the URL bar.

Monday 9/21: "Fort Sumter"

Tuesday 9/22: "North and South Compared"

Wednesday 9/23: "Gettysburg"

Thursday 9/24: "Civil War Review"  This is a Google Form that students need to answer and submit via the computer.