The morning of Friday, February 13th is a very special time. We will decorate a special bag to put Valentines cards during homeroom. We will exchange cards starting at about 8:20, so don't be late for school. I am not planning a Valentine's snack, but if a few parents want to send in something for the class to snack on, I am open to that (as long as it is not messy). I strongly encourage your child to give a card to everyone or no one. We are doing our best to not exclude anyone. I sent a list of names in my homeroom in the Take Home Folder this week. I hope you found it in that huge stack of papers. :)
The Awards Assembly begins at 9:00 for 3rd grade. If your child received a yellow note in the report card envelope, your child is being recognized at the assembly.
There is no school on February 16th. Please make arrangements for child care. We are observing Presidents' Day.