Welcome Parents and Students to our Open House on Thursday, September 4th. You may either come between 3:00 and 5:00 or between 6:00 and 8:00. There is a meeting for parents in the gym at 6:00. If you would like to bring supplies to my classroom, you are welcome to do so. The students and I will sort them out on Monday morning. Some items go on the supply shelf to use as a community later, some go in their binder to use everyday. Those are the personal school supply items that I will be labeling with their name. I already have the labels printed and ready to go on Monday. The only things that you need to label are your child's book bag and lunch box. You will also need to label his/her jacket when it gets colder.
The two great attributes of the third grade teachers at Neuse Charter are communication and organization. We update our blogs frequently, so go ahead and subscribe to each. If you send us a note or email we will respond within 24 hours. The third grade teachers are very organized, and we will teach our organization system to your child.
I look forward to meeting you this Thursday at Open House and next Thursday at the 3rd Grade Parent Meeting.