Saturday, December 13, 2014

Progress reports go home Monday, December 15th

Third Grade Progress reports go home Monday December 15th in the Take Home Folder.
Please review the information that details the grades for the first part of the second nine weeks.
Sign and return the Progress Report to the homeroom teacher either Tuesday or Wednesday.
Thank you.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Math Homework December 8-11

This week we will begin learning our multiples of 3. Please practice the three times table everywhere you go. Students should be able to recite from memory the multiples of 3 by next Tuesday. The Quiz is Wednesday, December 17th.

Please sign and return the permission form and $6.00 cash for our field trip next Thursday.

December 8:  IXL Level E, Skill S.9

December 9:  IXL Level E, Skill S.13

December 10:  IXL Level E, Skill V.1

December 11:  IXL Level E, Skill V.3

Sunday, November 30, 2014

December 1-5 Math HW

Monday (12-1-14): Complete Study Guide in preparation for Graph Test

Tuesday (12-2-14):  Level E, Skill F.9
(FOR ALL IXL HOMEWORK:  work 20 problems, or work until you reach 100%, or work for 30 minutes, WHICHEVER COMES FIRST)

Wednesday (12-3-14):  Level E, Skill S.1

Thursday (12-4-14):  Level E, Skill S.6

Friday (12-5-14): Study for Multiples of 8s Quiz. The quiz is on Tuesday (12-9-14).

Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday 24 Math Homework

1. Tonight for math homework students need to count his/her Cougar Bucks and staple or paper clip them in groups of 100. Most items are priced in multiples of 100, so having them grouped by 100 will help at check out.

2. Log in to and work for 30 minutes.

Monday, November 17, 2014

November 17-20 Math HW

Monday, November 17:
No homework assigned tonight

Tuesday, November 18: Level E, Skill P.10
Work 20 problems, or 30 minutes, or 100% - whichever comes first.

Wednesday, November 19: Level E, Skill P.6
Work 20 problems, or 30 minutes, or 100% - whichever comes first.

Thursday, November 20: Level E, Skill P.5
Work 20 problems, or 30 minutes, or 100% - whichever comes first.

Study for Quiz on Multiples of 4 (quiz on Friday)

Monday, November 10, 2014

Math HW November 12 & 13

Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Blue Flex Group: Study Guide for Telling Time (test on Thursday)
AND practice multiples of 11,10, 5, and 2 (test on Friday)

White and Gold Flex Groups: level E, skill O.4
AND practice multiples of 11,10, 5, and 2 (test on Friday)

Thursday, November 13, 2014
Blue Flex Group: Practice multiples of 11,10, 5, and 2 (test on Friday)

White and Gold Flex Groups: Study Guide for Telling Time (test on Friday)
AND practice multiples of 11,10, 5, and 2 (test on Friday)

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Math HW for November 3-5

Monday, November 3:
All students should take a practice quiz written by their parents on the multiples of 2 (from 2x0 through 2x12). Parents should help your child learn any multiples that your child doesn't know from memory. The quiz is on Wednesday.

Tuesday, November 4:
Blue Flex: Level E, Skills O.9 and H.2

White and Gold Flex: Level E, Skill O.5

Wednesday, November 5:
Blue Flex: Level F, Skill O.6

White and Gold Flex: level E, Skill O.3

Thursday, November 6:
no Homework

Monday, October 27, 2014

October 27-31

Monday, October 27:
White and Gold: Money and Subtraction test review
Finish Money Market Project

Blue: Level E, Skill O.1 complete 20 problems
and Finish Money Market Project

Tuesday, October 28:
White and Gold: Level E, Skill F.3 complete 20 problems

Blue: IXL Skill O.5 complete 20 problems

Wednesday, October 29:
White and Gold: Level E, Skill O.1 complete 20 problems

Blue: IXL Skill O.3 complete 20 problems

Thursday, October 30:
White and Gold: IXL Level E, Skills O.5 and H.2

Blue: IXL Level E, Skills O.4 and F.3

Friday, Halloween:
Be safe and have fun.

Friday, October 17, 2014

October 20 - 23

Monday, October 20:
*  Practice 3.3 "Make Change" worksheet

Tuesday, October 21:
*  Problem Solving 3.4 "State Fair" worksheet
*  Learn Multiples of 5 (5x0 through 5x12)

Wednesday, October 22:
Blue Group: 
*  Study for Money Test on Thursday
*  Memorize Multiples of 5

White and Gold Groups:
*  Finish classwork (if not finished in class)
*  Memorize Multiples of 5

No school on Friday!
Enjoy your 3 day weekend!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Math Homework October 13 - 16

Monday, October 13: All students should write multiples of 11 to review for quiz on Tuesday.
Blue Flex Group: Enrichment 2.3
White and Gold Flex Groups: Problem Solving 2.3

Tuesday, October 14: All students should review rules for rounding in preparation for test on Wednesday.
Blue Flex Group: Problem Solving 2.5
White and Gold Flex Groups: Homework 2.5

Wednesday, October 15:
All students "add up" to discover the multiples of 10 (1x10 to 12x10)
For example: 10+10=20, 10+10+10=30, 10+10+10+10=40, etc. all the way to twelve 10s.

Thursday, October 16: Adding Currency
1. Find all the coins and bills in the house.
2. Sort the coins and bills by denomination.
3. List the coins and bills on a piece of paper.
4. Tell how many of each you have.
5. Add all the currency to find the sum.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday HW

Tuesday HW 10-7-14 Round Mountain (half sheet)

Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday Oct 6 HW

Your child should have completed the Number Line worksheet on the half sheet of white paper. I gave them a green paper today that is going to stay in their math folder. The green paper is also a number line they can use as a visual guide/manipulative to help learn to round tot he nearest tens place and hundreds place.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Progress Reports and Picture Day

1.    Can you believe we have already been in school for 4 weeks? Progress reports went home with students today. If your child has missing assignments, please check the binder or bookbag for "lost" work. It could be that it was turned in without a name. We ask students to write first and last name and date on every paper before they even begin working.
      Most all of the assignments that are on the Progress Report have already been sent home in the red Take Home Folder. There should be no big surprises.
      We have come a long way with organizing binders and folders. There is still work to do for most students. Now that all the reading assessments are over you might notice that we are expecting more thought and work from students. We believe that holding high expectations for school work and behavior will result in great results.

2. Remember that School Pictures are Monday. Please dress nice and bring your photo form. If it got lost in the bottom of the bookbag, you will have to come it to the office on Monday morning to get another one.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Math Homework Sept 29 - Oct 2

Monday, September 29: HW 2.2 worksheet

Tuesday, September 30: Place Value Review and Problem Solving 2.2 worksheet
The Place Value Test is Wednesday.

Wednesday, October 1: NO Homework because of test today

Thursday, October 2: Reteach 2.3 worksheet

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Testing and Homework

Dear Third Grade Parents,
The BOG (Beginning of Grade) test was today, and the students were good test takers. As soon as we get the results back, we will give you that report.
We also are conducting Read to Achieve testing with every student individually. This is a long process. Third grade is tested quite a bit in the great state of North Carolina.
Due to all the testing, classwork and homework may have been bumped. For example, I usually give homework on Mondays and Tuesdays, but due to the BOG, students did not have math homework on Monday or Tuesday or this week. They will have homework and classwork from now on because most of the testing is over.

Students did have a little Language Arts homework on Monday and Tuesday, but due to the BOG the spelling test has been bumped to next week. We do not want to rush into a spelling test just to check it off our list of assessments. We want the students to have time to process and practice spelling words within the context of literature. We are aiming for quality instruction, but with the quantity of state driven assessments, third grade classrooms across the state feel as if we are off to a slow start.

We are here for the students, and we have their best interest at heart.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or any of the third grade teachers anytime.

Thank you for your support.

Monday, September 15, 2014

September 15-18 Homework for Place Value Unit

Parents, Homework is always an extention of the topics we have learned in class. Your child should have the HW for each day written down in the agenda. Please look at the HW to make sure it has been completed by your child. Please inital the agenda each night. In the school-provided agenda there is a place at the bottom of each day to write your initials. If you are using the agenda you purchased, just initial on that day. Thank you.

Monday, 9-15-14:
Homework  (HW)Worksheet (WKST) 1.2

Tuesday, 9-16-14:

Wednesday, 9-17-14:

Thursday, 9-18-14:

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Great First Week News

Parent Meeting:
Thank you to all those who came to the Parent Meeting on Thursday. Please see the presentation in the right sidebar. We discussed our schedule, flexible grouping, EOG and mClass testing, Cougar Buck discipline system, technology class, peanut free snack, and all the ways to communicate with us. If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know.

Dot Day:
The Enhancement Classes are celebrating Dot Day. (I had to google it to learn about it.) Art class on Monday will probably use paint so send in an old shirt to keep at school for messy art days. An adult long-sleeve buttoned-down shirt works best so student can slip it on backward easily. Mark it with your child's name, please.

Attraction Books:
The PTO's fundraiser, Attraction Books, is due this Monday and next Monday. These are the only two Mondays to send in your money, your orders, or your book.

Math homework will start this week. Look to this blog for updates. You may want to click the Subscribe link in the sidebar to keep you updated when I post. I usually only post once or twice a week.

I have not had much money turned in for IXL, Scholastic, and Science Spin.  The total is $20 for all three. Make the check out to NCS. I really need this in by Friday of this week. The invoice is already here. Thank you.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Open House

Welcome Parents and Students to our Open House on Thursday, September 4th. You may either come between 3:00 and 5:00 or between 6:00 and 8:00. There is a meeting for parents in the gym at 6:00. If you would like to bring supplies to my classroom, you are welcome to do so. The students and I will sort them out on Monday morning. Some items go on the supply shelf to use as a community later, some go in their binder to use everyday.  Those are the personal school supply items that I will be labeling with their name. I already have the labels printed and ready to go on Monday. The only things that you need to label are your child's book bag and lunch box. You will also need to label his/her jacket when it gets colder.

The two great attributes of the third grade teachers at Neuse Charter are communication and organization. We update our blogs frequently, so go ahead and subscribe to each. If you send us a note or email we will respond within 24 hours. The third grade teachers are very organized, and we will teach our organization system to your child.

I look forward to meeting you this Thursday at Open House and next Thursday at the 3rd Grade Parent Meeting.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Parent Only Meeting

There will be a Parent-Only Meeting on Thursday, September 11th at 6:00. The third grade teachers will discuss schedule,  homework, curriculum, and general expectations. There will be a volunteer sign-up at the meeting.  We will either meet in the cafeteria or the library. Please make arrangements for child care. We will discuss everything with the students during the first week of school.

The school is providing an agenda/calendar so you do not have to purchase an agenda/calendar for your child. Please mark that off the supply list.  Mrs.Atkisson may need 2 additional spiral notebooks for Language Arts. She will tell you soon if she needs specific color notebooks.

I am looking forward to a great start on September 8th at 8:10am and an informative parent meeting on September 11th at 6:00pm.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Welcome to Third Grade!

My name is Mr. Kiser, and I am very excited to be one of your third grade teachers. Mrs. Cade, Mrs. Atkisson, and I have so many wonderful things to teach you this year. We are looking forward to a great start to this school year. Please go to to find the supply list and first day. The school day is starting a little earlier than last year, so pay attention to the times on the school website. Elementary Open House is September 4th. The best way to prepare for third grade is to read everyday. I will see you soon. Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Happy Summer!

We had a wonderful year in third grade!
Congratulations to all my students who expanded their minds and grew in height this past school year. You are amazing. Continue to do well next year, too.
All My Best to All of You,
Mr. Kiser

Monday, May 26, 2014

Cougar Buck Auction Items Needed

The Cougar Buck Silent Auction is set for the afternoons of June 2nd and June 3rd.
We need two things in order to make this Auction happen.
We need merchandise and volunteers.
During this week of Memorial Day sales, please remember our Auction and pick up a few items. We need all donated items by Friday of this week. I was just at CVS where I saw summer toys that I thought would be perfect for the Auction.
If you have some time to volunteer at the Auction starting at 1:00 on Monday and  Tuesday, that would be great. We will run the Auction from 1:00 until 2:30 both days.
During the Auction, the students will be divided into groups. Each group will get to have two turns to bid on items of their choice. Students may not bid more Cougar Bucks than they have. During the second bidding, the students will have the option to increase their bid if they have been outbid by another student.  At close of the Auction, students will pay for the items they won.
If there is anything left, we will sell the items in a Cougar Buck Store.

At this point we do not have enough items to have an Auction. Your donations are greatly appreciated. Also, your volunteer time is deeply appreciated. Please let Mr. Kiser know if you can help Monday, Tuesday, or both.  Thank you so much.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Math HW May 12-15

5-12-14: Unit 2 worksheet

5-13-14: Unit 8 worksheet

5-14-14: Unit 4 worksheet

5-15-14: Study worksheets of Units 2, 8, and 4 for test on Friday.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Math HW May 5-8

Monday, May 5:
Unit 3 Review page 73 (Show your work. Use the margins, the back of the sheet or a separate paper.)
Study Multiplication Table for Quiz on Tuesday.

Tuesday, May 6:
Unit 3 Review page 74 (Show your work. Use the margins, the back of the sheet or a separate paper.)

Wednesday, May 7:
Unit 3 Review page 75 (Show your work. Use the margins, the back of the sheet or a separate paper.)

Thursday, May 8:
Unit 3 Review page 76 (Show your work. Use the margins, the back of the sheet or a separate paper.)Sign Progress Report

Unit 3 test is Friday.

Monday, April 28, 2014

April 28 - May 1 HW

Monday 4-28-14:
  • 10x booklet cover
  • Unit 1 Review p1
  • Fill in 1/2 of the Multiplication Table

Tuesday 4-29-14:
  • 10x booklet p2
  • Unit 1 Review p2
  • Fill in the rest of the Multiplication Table

Wednesday 4-30-14:
  • 10x booklet p3
  • Unit 1 Review p3
  • Study 1-10x Facts

Thursday 4-1-14:
  • 10x booklet p4
  • Unit Review p4
  • Study 1-10x Facts

On Friday there is a test on Unit 1.
The 10x booklet is due Friday.
There is a test on multiplication within 100 next Thursday.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 22-24 HW

This week in math class we are working on individualized Extra Practice packets.
We will have a math drill on Friday on multiples of 9.

Tuesday, April 22:
IXL level E, skill E.1
9x booklet, page 2

Wednesday, April. 23:
IXL level E, skill G.1
9x booklet, page 3

Thursday, April 24:
IXL level E, skill H.9
9x booklet, page 4

Monday, April 7, 2014

Math HW April 7-10

Monday 4/7/14:
IXL level D, Skill S.9
8x Booklet page 2

Tuesday 4/8/14:
IXL level C, Skill N.9
8x Booklet page 3

Wednesday 4/9/14:
Practice 14.5 worksheet
8x Booklet page 4 (due Thurs.)

Monday, March 31, 2014

Math HW March 31 - April 3

Homework for Monday, March 31:
7x Booklet cover
Line Plot worksheet p.104

Homework for Tuesday, April 1:
7x Booklet page 2
IXL level D, skill  S.10

Homework for Wednesday, April 2:
7x Booklet page 3
Liter/Milliliter worksheet Practice 14.3

Homework for Thursday, April 3:
7x Booklet page 4 (The booklet is due Friday.)

On Thursday and Friday mornings of this week we will do a practice EOG for Reading and Math. These tests will help inform our instruction for the rest of the year so we can get your child ready for the EOG which will be at the end of May.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Math HW March 24-26

Monday, March 24:
Practice 13.1 worksheet
6x Booklet Page 2

Tuesday, March 25:
Measure 10 items around your house.
Write down the name of the object and its measure to the nearest half inch.
6x Booklet Page 3

Wednesday, March 26:
Measurement of People Project
6x Booklet Page 4

Monday, March 17, 2014

Math HW March 17-20
(Your child also has a paper copy of the vocabulary in his/her Math Folder.)

Monday, March 17th
1. 5x booklet cover
2. Study vocabulary in 2 Quizlets from the links at the top of this post.
3. White and Gold: level F, Skill P.6
     Blue: level E, Skill R.23

Tuesday, March 18th
1. 5x booklet, page 2
2. Study vocabulary in 2 Quizlets from the links at the top of this post.
3. White and Gold: Lesson 101 Worksheet
     Blue: level E, Skill R.20

Wednesday, March 19th
1. 5x booklet, page 3
2. Study vocabulary in 2 quizlets from the links at the top of this post. (Vocab Quiz is Friday.)

Thursday, March 20th
1. 5x booklet, page 4 (Booklet is due Friday.)
2. Study vocabulary in 2 quizlets from the links at the top of this post. (Vocab Quiz is Friday.)

Monday, March 10, 2014

Math HW March 10-14

Monday, March 10:
1. 4x booklet cover
2. IXL R.19, level E
    (paper option: HW 15.1)

Tuesday, March 11:
1. 4x booklet: one block from tic-tac-toe
2. White and Gold: R.20, level E
     Blue: P.7, level F
     (paper option: HW 15.2)

Wednesday, March 12:
1. 4x booklet: second block from tic-tac-toe
2. White and Gold: R.23, level E
     Blue: P.6, level F
     (paper option: Reteach 15.4)
3. Start Geo-Critter project

Thursday, March 13:
1. 4x booklet: third block from tic-tac-toe
2. Finish Geo-Critter project

Monday, March 3, 2014

Math HW March 3-6 WHITE FLEX

Monday, March 3:
1. Make a cover for your 3x booklet. Draw a large 3 on the cover. Put a box around it. Fill the cover with multiples of 3.
2. Work on Study Guide for Wednesday's test on Area and Perimeter. Remember to add all the sides to find perimeter. To find the area count all the squares, or multiply the length by the width.
3. Math Minutes 36-37

Tuesday, March 4:
1. Complete the Study Guide for Test on Wednesday.
2. Decide which row, column, or diagonal you are going to do this week on you 3x booklet (like tic-tac-toe). Do one of the boxes tonight on page 2 or your booklet.
3. Math Minutes 38-39

Wednesday, March 5:
1. Do the second box of your chosen tic-tac-toe on the next blank page of your booklet.
2. Study your yellow page of multiplication facts. Quiz will be next Friday, March 14.
3. Math Minutes 40-41

Thursday, March 6:
1. Do the third box of your chosen tic-tac-toe on the back page of your booklet. Turn the booklet in for a homework grade on Friday.
2. Study your yellow page of multiplication facts. Quiz will be next Friday, March 14.
3. Math Minutes 42-43

Math HW March 3-6 GOLD FLEX

Monday, March 3:
1. Make a cover for your 3x booklet. Draw a large 3 on the cover. Put a box around it. Fill the cover with multiples of 3.
2. Work on Study Guide for Wednesday's test on Area and Perimeter. Remember to add all the sides to find perimeter. To find the area count all the squares, or multiply the length by the width.
3. Math Minute 7

Tuesday, March 4:
1. Complete the Study Guide for Test on Wednesday.
2. Decide which row, column, or diagonal you are going to do this week on you 3x booklet (like tic-tac-toe). Do one of the boxes tonight on page 2 or your booklet.
3. Math Minute 8

Wednesday, March 5:
1. Do the second box of your chosen tic-tac-toe on the next blank page of your booklet.
2. Study your yellow page of multiplication facts. Quiz will be next Friday, March 14.
3. Math Minute 9

Thursday, March 6:
1. Do the third box of your chosen tic-tac-toe on the back page of your booklet. Turn the booklet in for a homework grade on Friday.
2. Study your yellow page of multiplication facts. Quiz will be next Friday, March 14.
3. Math Minute 10

Math HW March 3-6 BLUE FLEX

Monday, March 3:
1. Make a cover for your 3x booklet. Draw a large 3 on the cover. Put a box around it. Fill the cover with multiples of 3.
2. Work on Study Guide for Wednesday's test on Area and Perimeter. Remember to add all the sides to find perimeter. To find the area count all the squares, or multiply the length by the width.
3. Math Minutes 86-87

Tuesday, March 4:
1. Complete the Study Guide for Test on Wednesday.
2. Decide which row, column, or diagonal you are going to do this week on you 3x booklet (like tic-tac-toe). Do one of the boxes tonight on page 2 or your booklet.
3. Math Minutes 88-89

Wednesday, March 5:
1. Do the second box of your chosen tic-tac-toe on the next blank page of your booklet.
2. Study your yellow page of multiplication facts. Quiz will be next Friday, March 14.
3. Math Minutes 90-91

Thursday, March 6:
1. Do the third box of your chosen tic-tac-toe on the back page of your booklet. Turn the booklet in for a homework grade on Friday.
2. Study your yellow page of multiplication facts. Quiz will be next Friday, March 14.
3. Math Minutes 92-93

Monday, February 24, 2014

Math HW Feb 24-28

Level E this week
You can use the calculator this week.
You may want to do the work on a paper beside your computer before you enter your answer into IXL.
Monday: IXL Skill R.13
Tuesday: IXL Skill R. 14
Wednesday: IXL Skill R.15
Thursday: IXL Skill R.16

In addition to IXL, I am also going to assign a Math Minute (or two) each night for the next two weeks. Your child should have written their specific assignment in the agenda today in class. If they did not, please ask them "why?" I allowed plenty of time to copy the Math Minute assignments for this week.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Math Vocabulary Friday

Divide: when you break a set into equal groups
Sum: the answer to addition
Divisor: in the problem 15 / 3 = 5, the 3 is the divisor
Quotient: the answer to division
Difference: the answer to subtraction
Dividend: in the problem 15 / 3 = 5, the 15 is the dividend (the large number in division)
Product: the answer to multiplication
Equation: a number sentence using an equal sign

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Math HW Feb 18-20

February 18:
Finish Area Bot
ixl level E, skill R.10
Study Multiples of 7

February 19:
ixl level E, skill R.11
Practice vocabulary with Quizlet
Find the link to Quizlet on this blog.

February 20:
Study vocab for quiz tomorrow.
Vocab is on Quizlet and written in the Math Notebook.
ixl level E, skill R.12

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Kiser White Quizlet
Here is the link to view and join the Quizlet called Kiser White.

Kiser Gold Quizlet
Here is the link to view and join the Quizlet called Kiser Gold.

Blue Group Quizlet
Here is the link to view and join Quizlet called Kiser Blue.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Week of February 10-14

We are learning our 7 multiplication table. The quiz on multiples of 7 is on Wednesday. If your child did not pass the multiples of 12 quiz last week, the re-quiz is Wednesday.

Students will be assigned a small project called "Area & Perim Bot" due on Friday. They are to draw and color a robot. They should count the area and perimeter of each section and add each part to acquire the total area and perimeter.

Level E  this week
Monday: R.10 (Area of Rectangles)
Tuesday: R.11 (Square and Rectangles) and study for 7x quiz
Wednesday: R.12 (Complex Figures)
Thursday: Finish ROBOT project

Monday, February 3, 2014

Feb 3-7 HW Math

Monday, Feb. 3: Level D, Skill  T.7 (OPTIONAL)
Tuesday, Feb 4: Level D, Skill T.8 Study for test on multiples of 12. Quiz is on Wednesday.
Wednesday, Feb 5: : Level F, Skill P.17
Thursday, Feb 6: Level E, Skill R.9

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Math Homework Jan 27-28

Jan 27 ~ IXL Skill R.7
Jan 28 ~ IXL Skill R.8
No HW Wednesday ~ Snow day ~ Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Comparing Fractions

Rules of Comparing Fractions:
1. For fractions with the same denominator... the greater numerator indicates the greater fraction.
      example: 3/5 > 2/5  because 3>2.
2. For fractions with the same numerator... the lesser denominator indicates the greater fraction. 
     example: 1/3 > 1/5  because 3 < 5. 
     Think of slices of pie. If your mom cuts a pie into 3 slices and gives you 1 slice, that is larger than 1 out of 5 slices.

Friday, January 17, 2014

January 21-24 Math Homework

This week we are learning the multiples of 12.
Please drill this table every night with your child.
You can practice in the car, around the table, before bed, anywhere you are.

Tuesday: Level E, Skill S.16
Wednesday: Level D, Skill U.7
Thursday: Level E, Skill S.5

Monday, January 13, 2014

Jan 13 - 15 Math HW

There is no IXL this week.
Students need to complete the Pizza Fraction Project due on Wednesday.
Your child may have missing assignments they need to complete and turn in by Wednesday morning.
I handed out a missing assignments report to your child on Monday if they are missing anything.
Thank you for your support.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

January 6 - 9 Math Homework

This week we are all working on Level E.
Monday S.4
Tuesday S.3
Wednesday S.6
Thursday S.7

The pizza project is due next Wednesday.
Don't forget it over the weekend.