Tuesday, April 25, 2017

May 1 - 4

Monday, May 1:
1. Study for 20 minutes on the "Ecosystems" Symbaloo located on the left sidebar of this blog.
2. Study for Mid-West States (part 2). The quiz is on Friday.

Tuesday, May 2:
1. Study for 20 minutes on the "Human Body", "Heredity", "Cells" Symbaloos.
2. Study for Mid-West States (part 2). The quiz is on Friday.

Wednesday, May 3:
1. Study for 20 minutes on the "Force and Motion" Symbaloo located on the left sidebar of this blog.
2. Study for Mid-West States (part 2). The quiz is on Friday.

Thursday, May 5:
Study for Mid-West States (part 2). The quiz is on Friday.

Monday, April 24, 2017

April 24-28

Monday, 4-24-17:
1. Study Digestive System Study Guide for quiz on Tuesday.
   If you lost the study guide, look at last week's post on this blog. There is a link to a Quizlet.
2. Family Hand Tree project due Friday.

Tuesday, 4-25-17:
Family Hand Tree project due Friday.

Wednesday, 4-26-17:
1.Spend 20 minutes on Heredity Symbaloo on the left sidebar of this webpage.
2. Family Hand Tree project due Friday.

Thursday, 4-27-17:
1. Come to Band Concert tonight. Sign up to play band next year in sixth grade. You can get information about renting or purchasing an instrument tonight at the concert.
If you cannot come to the concert look up www.bignotemusic.com to find information about instruments. Beginning band is only for 6th grade.
7th through 12th grade cannot take beginning band, so if you think you are interested in ever joining the NCS band, 6th grade is the best time.
2. Family Hand Tree project due Friday.
3. Spend 15 minutes on Weather Cycle and Weather Symbaloos.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

April 18-21

Tuesday: 4-18-17:
Make a Quizlet out of the digestive system study guide.

Wednesday, 4-19-17:
Study digestive system study guide.
or Study the Quizlet on my blog.

Thursday, 4-20-17:
1. Study digestive system study guide.
 The digestive system quiz is on Monday.
2. Your Digestive System worksheet

Parents: Sign Progress Report and return it on Friday.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

April 3 - 6

Skeleton Creature Creation: The students should to cut out the skeleton and place it in a creative position on paper no larger than a student desktop. 
Students need to write a brief paragraph about the creation and tell what its name is, its occupation, and geographical location.

Read "Skeletal System" Google Slides 

Work on Skeleton Creature Creation   due Wednesday


Thursday: Pack a picnic lunch for our trip on Friday.

Friday: Be at school ready to leave at 6:15 AM.  Bring your lunch and spending money.