Thursday, August 29, 2013

Math HW Sept. 3-5

If you have not sent in $14.00 for third grade subscriptions to IXL, Scholastic News, and Science Spin, please do so this week.
Senora Joyner is requiring a one subject notebook (any color) for Spanish.
Math Homework
Tuesday: B.7 (Work until you reach a score of 70 points or for 30 minutes, whichever comes first.)
Wednesday: B.3 (70 pts or 30 min)
Thursday: B.4 (70 pts or 30 min)

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Math HW 8/26 - 8/29

If you have not sent in $14.00 for the subscriptions (IXL, Scholastic News, and Science Spin) PLEASE do so this week if at all possible. Students are going to start using IXL for math homework Monday through Thursday.
The math homework will be on Use the link on the left sidebar on my blog.
Log in with the username and password that is glued into the front of the blue math notebook in the binder.
Monday, August 26: Click "Third Grade", click "C.1", and answer questions until you reach a score of 70 or work for 30 minutes (whichever comes first).
Take Home Folders: There are "Keep at Home" papers and "Sign and Return" papers. Just sign the slip stapled to the papers and return everything stapled.
Tuesday, August 27: Third Grade, D.1 (score of 70 or 30 minutes)
Wednesday, August 28: Third Grade, B.1 (score of 70 or 30 minutes)
Thursday, August 29: Third Grade, B.2 (score of 70 or 30 minutes)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Math HW

Math homework will start Monday, August 26.
We are adjusting our recess schedule to before lunch. I believe this will work better in our schedule. We plan to eat lunch in the lunch room.
If you would like an updated schedule, please send me an email.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

First Day Dismissal

Please send a note or email telling me if your child is going home on a daycare van. If your child is going home in the regular car line, you do not need to send me a message.